
<- Cryptanthus exaltatus H.Luther[as Cryptanthus exaltatus Luther]
Diagnose: —A C. glaziovii Mez similis sed foliis perlongioribus bracteis florigeris late ellipticis mucronatisque et sepalis et ovario brevissimis differt; a C. bahianus L.B. Smith similis sed caule perlongiore, sepalis carinatis connatisque differt.

Observations: —This distinctive species somewhat resembles Cryptanthus bahianus L.B.Smith from the states of Paraiba and Bahia, but can be distinguished by its much longer, erect stem, undulate leaf blades, sepals which are more than 1/2 connate and partially carinate, and tricarinate ovary. From C. glaziovii Mez, C. exaltatus may be distinguished by its much longer leaves, concolorous leaf sheaths, channeled leaf blades,. broadly elliptic and mucronate floral bracts and shorter sepals and ovary. Living plants from the type collection are in cultivation at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens as accession SEL 86-706. This species is particularly difficult to cultivate and its future in horticulture is problematic.

Edited from : Luther 1990. (protologue) A new Giant Cryptanthus from Espirito Santo, Brazil .