
<- Cryptanthus pseudoglaziovii Leme[as Cryptanthus pseudoglaziovii Leme]
Diagnose: —A C. glaziovii Mez, cui affinis, laminis foliorum haud coriaceis, basin versus angustatis, margine undulata; fasciculis infimis 4-5 floribus; sepalis basi 6-7mm connatis; seminibus 2-3mm longis longitrorsum modice sulcatis corrugatisque differt.

Observations: —This new species was collected in the bromeliologically rich mountainous region of Santa Leopoldina, on the border of Domingos Martins County, Espirito Santo State. Growing on the top of 700- 750m high hills, on extremely humid rocks or on a kind of 'sandy' ground, partially protected by a soil limited low forest, we found two distinct populations of C. pseudoglaziovii in the same neighborhood, but separated by a few kilometers. One population (Leme no.1560) presented plants with dark red leaf-sheaths, contrasting with the green blades. The other population (Leme no.1556) had specimens of an uniform green coloration.

C. pseudoglaziovii, as the name itself suggests, belongs to the complex of species headed by C. glaziovii, which we recently collected in its type locality (Leme no.1545). However, the new species differs from it by the leaf-blades flexible and thin, narrowed at base, with undulate margins, as well as by the fascicles with 4-5 flowers, the sepals higher connate and by the bigger seeds which are no more than moderately sulcate-rugulose.

Edited from : J. Crypt. Soc.. (protologue) .