
<- Neoregelia elmoreana H.Luther[as Neoregelia elmoreana Luther]
Diagnose: —Neoregeliae macrosepalae L. B. Smith similis et affinis sed stolonibus perbrevioribus, foliis adpressis lepidotis et bracteis florigeris minoribus differt. .

Observations: —Neoregelia elmoreana is quite similar to N. macrosepala L. B. Smith but differs from this species by having inconspicuously adpressed lepidote ( glossy) leaves, much shorter stolons and shorter floral bracts that are much exceeded by the sepals. Neoregelia elmoreana has been in limited cultivation for several years under the cultivar name 'Star of Brazil'.

Edited from : Luther 1982a. (protologue) Miscellaneous new taxa of Bromeliaceae (II) .