
<- Neoregelia peruviana L.B.Sm.[as Neoregelia peruviana L. B. Smith]

Observations: —This species can be recognized by the following combination of characters: short and stout stolons, covered with polystichous bracts, small funnel-form rosette; green lepidote sheaths and blades, green; pauciflorous inflorescence; and green inner leaves.
This species inhabits macrothermic forests in Peru and Ecuador.
The foliar sheaths tend to be larger than the blades.
The most closely related species is possibly N. mooreana L. B. Smith, from which it can be distinguished because N. mooreana has curled foliar apices, with blades longer than the sheaths, a simple inflorescence, and a very short and obscure pedicel.

Edited from : Ramirez 1991. Systematic Revision of Neoregelia subgenus Hylaeaicum (Bromeliaceae) .