
<- Neoregelia myrmecophila (Ule) L.B.Sm.[as Neoregelia myrmecophila (Ule) L. B. Smith]

Observations: —This species was described as Nidularium myrmecophilum and that time (1906) Ule discussed the taxonomic and systematic problem of classification of this species in different genera because of the presence of free sepals and petals and the stoloniferous habit. This species along with N. eleutheropetala and N. wurdackii shares the free sepals state.
This species is related to N. eleutheropetala with which it shares free sepals and the inner red leaves. Venezuelan and Colombian populations of this taxon have been confused with N. eleutheropetala var. eleutheropetala (the differences are discussed earlier) .
This species has been seen associated with ants in lowland Amazon rain forests but there are no published. Nevertheless, plants of this species grow under cultivation in well ventilated medium, with little organic matter and planted in a hanging basket to facilitate drainage. The plant grows very well, producing new stolons from mature rosettes or the seeds remaining in the inflorescences may germinate there.

Edited from : Ramirez 1991. Systematic Revision of Neoregelia subgenus Hylaeaicum (Bromeliaceae) .