
<- Neoregelia tarapotoensis Rauh[as Neoregelia tarapotoensis Rauh]

Observations: —Besides the type collection, there are no known herbarium collections of this species, and none are cited in the literature. A large plant of this species was studied at Selby Gardens, and it could represent a clonotype (H. Luther, personal communication}.

This species has no closely related species with the possible exception of N. aculeatosepala. It is easily recognized by the small rosette habit, slender stolons, funnel shape rosettes, with small inflorescences in the center of the rosette.

The description presented here was obtained from the original description (Rauh, 1985} and from observations of the living specimens at Selby Gardens.

The illustrations herein presented are the first ones made for this species since the original publication includes only photographs.

Edited from : Ramirez 1991. Systematic Revision of Neoregelia subgenus Hylaeaicum (Bromeliaceae) .