
<- Neoregelia leviana L.B.Sm.[as Neoregelia leviana L. B. Smith]

Observations: —This species is easily distinguished by the small size of the rosette, the stiff and suddenly spreading leaves, the purple inner leaves, triangular foliar blades and small rosette. The stolons are stout and they are covered by distichous sheaths. There are three known populations of this species in Venezuela , on the Sipapo River; in Peru; and in Brazil, from the type locality.

Perhaps when Reitz described N. meeana he did not have the description of N. leviana. The latter is known from a leaf and a painting, while N. meeana was published with a very complete description, more detailed than Smith's one but Reitz did not include discussion about the affinities of the species.

This species was illustrated by Mee (p81 and 213, 1988) and represents the same species found in Venezuelan populations ( which has been cultivated by the author). It also matches very well with the picture published by Reitz in Sellowia ( 1975) in the original description, regarding stoloniferous habit, rosette size and shape, leaf shape and inflorescence size, and the locality of both type collections is in the same area. Thus, I consider N. meeana as a synonym of N. leviana and the description here presented was compiled from Reitz's and from herbarium specimens.

This species easily grows in cultivation. It produces white flowers and numerous blue fruits, with seeds that germinate easily. The seedlings have very thin and long leaves during the first year. After 11/2-2 years the plants bloom; the leaves get thicker and wider, becoming narrow-triangular, with the foliar blades spread and purple beneath.
The inflorescence is pauciflorous.

Edited from : Ramirez 1991. Systematic Revision of Neoregelia subgenus Hylaeaicum (Bromeliaceae) .