
<- Nidularium deleonii L.B.Sm.[as Nidularium deleonii ]
Diagnose: —N. burchellii (Baker) Mez et N. microps E. Morr. ex Mez affinis, sed axi simplici, elongato, floribus majoribus, laminis petalorum azureis differt.

Observations: —Notes
Nat DeLeon has flowered a handsome but very puzzling new brome¬liad that he collected in Colombia. At first glance the sunken nested flowers and spreading blue acute petal-blades make one think of Neoregelia. However, on dissecting the plant one finds that the simple inflorescence has a long axis like an Aechmea and sessile (unstalked) flowers and unappendaged petals like a Nidularium. Since Nidularium includes one species with a long axis, N. loeseneri, and two with spreading acute petals, N. Burchellii and N. microps, it seems best to locate the new species in this genus. It is a pleasure to dedicate this new species to Mr. De Leon as the first fruits of his exploration:

Edited from : Bromel. Soc. Bull. 12: 104,. (1962)