
<- Vriesea sandrae Leme[as Vriesea sandrae Leme]
Diagnose: —A Vriesea debilis Leme, cui affinis, inflorescentia saepe composita, laminis foliorum latioribus, bracteis floriferis inflatis, ecarinatis, floribus longioribus, petalis ligulis binis 6- 7 mm longis differt.

Observations: —This new species is closely related to Vriesea debilis from Espirito Santo State, differing from it by the usually compound inflorescence, the broader leaves, the ecarinate and distinctly inflated floral bracts, which give to the apical part of the spikes an almost cylindrical shape, contrasting with the complanate spike of the closest relatives, and by the longer petals bearing 6-7-mm-long appendages at base.

Edited from : Leme 1995c. (protologue) Two New Vriesea Species from Bahia, Brazil .