
<- Vriesea appariciana E.Pereira & Reitz[as Vriesea appariciana E. Pereira & Reitz]

Observations: —According to the authors, Vriesea appariciana differs from V. brassicoides (Baker) Mez in its larger floral bracts, smaller flowers, and more robust inflorescence, from V. Iimae L. B. Smith in its dense inflorescence, floral bracts much longer than the internodes, and cinereous leaf-blades, from V. goniorachis (Baker) Mez in its few-flowered, dense inflorescence, much smaller flowers, and larger floral bracts, and from all three in its sulcate floral bracts and truncate-margined leaf-blades.

Edited from : Smith & Downs 1977. Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae). in Flora Neotropica.