
<- Vriesea hygrometrica (André) L.B.Sm. & Pittendr.[as Vriesea hygrometrica (Andre) L. B. Smith & Pittendrigh,]

Observations: —Note: Vriesea johnstonii (Mez) L. B. Smith & Pittendrigh is recorded from the same area (Smith & Downs 1977). This species is very close to V. hygrometrica, or probably a synonym. The material of this area, cited and annotated as V. johnstonii, cannot be distinguished from the material of V. hygrometrica.

Edited from : Gouda 1987. Bromeliaceae (subfamily Tillandsioideae) in Görts-van Rijn, A.R.A. (ed.) Flora of the Guiana\'s Series A: Phanerogams.