
<- Vriesea atra var. variegata Martinelli & Leme[as Vriesea atra var. variegata Martinelli & Leme]
Diagnose: —Differt var. typica foliis variegatis.

Observations: —OBSERVATIONS: As in the typical species this new variety has nocturnal flowers. Another specimen of the variety that is being cultivated, retained the same characteristics of the plant when collected.

Research made at the Botanical Garden of Rio dc Janeiro, Bolsisto do CNPq

After six years investigation of the vegetation of Morro do Cuca, in Petropolis, State of Rio de Janeiro has been accomplished, where interesting montane flora occurs. A local formation of tall granite with upper heights to 1200 m/s.m., at some point reaching a maximum height, is considered by several authors as belonging to the orographic system of the Serra dos Orgaos.
In recent trip to the area, there were examples of Vriesea atra Mez whose leaves differed of those of the typical species, and was considered a new variety to Science.

Edited from : Pereira 1971. (protologue) Species nova in Brasilia Bromeliacearum .