
<- Tillandsia polystachia var. alba Wittm.[as Tillandsia polystachia var. alba ]
Diagnose: —Folia robusta, valde recurva, glauca, bracteae dilute sanguineae. Costa Rica in valle de Turialba, ad arbores, alt. 800 m (no. Lehmann 1114) 13. Jan. 1882, statu florente. Differt a specie typica foliis minoribus, calyce breviore, 2/3 bracteae longitudine et floribus albis. - Valdc affinis T. Kunthianae, sed magis lepidota. Propter floris colorem ad T. distachyam Bak. etiam accedit.

Observations: —Clear affinity with T. kunthiana, but more lepidote. Because of the flower colour even resembling T. distachya Bak.
(Butcher’s note 10/2015 – See notes under T, distachya which is an unknown quantity with links to T. polystachia)

Translated by Butcher from: Wittmack 1889b. (protologue) Plantae Lehmannianae in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador etc. collectae, Bromeliaceae in Engler, A..