
<- Tillandsia havanensis Jacquin ex Beer[as Tillandsia havanensis Jacquin]

Observations: —Platystachys havanensis Beer, Bromel. 85. 1857
translated by Butcher
Allardtia cyanea Dietrich, Platystachys Koch is similar towards this plant regarding the shape of the inflorescence, but also Viscum caryophylloides Catesby also stands very near to these two species. Our two rough illustrations from Jacquin were however both drawn after flowering, with the wide spreading seed capsules. The same fruit formation was located after my examination in the Berlin Botanical Garden in March 1855 of Allard. cyanea also. Koch had the name "Allardtia" entered in, ( after General Allard), but there is already a genus named "Allardia" by Brongniard.
One should, where possible, seek to decrease identical names when installing Genera, very many anyway by themselves, for example with the short name "Schmit" you can find about six different letters in its spelling, and the case can be that six Genera were covered with the at least identical names. The naming "Platystachys" is for the singular appearance of inflorescence; I also found myself moved to use this naming. Secondly, which brings together the plants with distichous inflorescence, I refer to the genus name "Vriesea",(after Professor de Vriese), where Lindley treated Tillandsia splendens Brongniard as "Vriesia Speciosa", and the name remains with many plants being grown under the name "Vriesia" in many plant collections.

Edited from : Select, Stirp. Americ. histor. tab. 183, pag, 94. (1753)