
<- Puya butcheriana H.Luther[as Puya butcheriana H.Luther]
Diagnose: —A P. humilis Mez, cui affinis similisque, planta majoribus, inflorescentia longiore exilique, bracteis florigeris minoribus et minute serratis differt; a P. tunarensis Mez, cui similis, planta minoribus, inflorescentia exili, bracteis florigeris minute serratis differt.

Observations: —This new, rather dwarf species of Puya seems most closely related to the Bolivian P. humilis, but can be distinguished from it by its greater size and taller, very slender inflorescence and smaller, minutely serrate floral bracts. Using the latest key to the genus Puya (Smith & Downs 1974), dried material of P. butcheriana would (due to the recurving floral bracts) key out as P. tunarensis, also from Bolivia; but the former can be separated by its smaller stature, more slender inflorescence, and inconspicuously serrate floral bracts. The floral bracts of P. butcheriana are also softer and thinner-textured.

Edited from : Luther 1995b. (protologue) Miscellaneous new taxa of Bromeliaceae (X) .