
<- Puya hromadnikii Rauh[as Puya hromadnikii Rauh]

Observations: —P. hromadnikii is related to P. tuberosa Mez and P. minima L.B. Smith, two other dwarf puyas with narrow leaves from the Bolivian highlands. Both, however, according to their descriptions, seem to grow in single rosettes, while P. hromadnikii forms dense clusters. P. tuberosa is bigger than our plant and the inflorescence mostly banded. P. minima is a very small plant with a short, few-flowered inflorescence having bright red floral bracts. The color of the petals of P. tuberosa is blue-violet; in P. minima the petal color is not mentioned. In any case, this new small species of Puya with its pure white leaves is a beautiful plant which can be grown under the same conditions as cacti.
Dr. Hromadnik collected two other dwarf species of Puya in the same region, which have also flowered in the Heidelberg Garden, and which have many-branched bipinnate inflorescences. They differ from each other and are not identical with P. tuberosa; they will be described in a later issue of the Journal.

Edited from : Rauh 1982b. Puya hromradnikii Rauh nov. spec. A new dwarf Puya from Brazil. .