
<- Tillandsia buseri var. nubicola Gilmartin[as Tillandsia buseri var. nubicola Gilmartin]
Diagnose: —A var. buseri sepalis connatis, latioribus differt.

Observations: —T. buseri var. nubicola Gilmartin differs from the typical variety of T. buseri most conspicuously in the reflexed spikes. However, it is not known if this condition of reflexed spikes is consistent. The sepals do seem to be consistently posteriorly joined which helps to distinguish this variety from the typical one. T. buseri var. nubicola apparently occurs at a somewhat greater altitude and in an area that almost continuously remains within the clouds most days. This variety is also very close to T. wurdackii L. B. Smith. n

Edited from : Phytologia. (protologue) .