
<- Navia platyphylla L.B.Sm. & Steyerm.[as Navia platyphylla L.B. Sm. & Steyerm.]
Diagnose: —A N. diffusa Lyman B Smith, cui affinis, foliis latioribus spinis longioribus, inflorescentia quadripinnata atra; floribus juvenilibus et alteris reflexis differt.

Observations: —This species differs from N. diffusa by having reflexed flowers ( even when young), larger sepals, and much broader leaves with longer, stouter spines. The four-pinnate inflorescences are also characteristic. It is distinguished from N. hechtioides Lyman B Smith by having shorter sepals, the posterior ones non-alate. From N. brocchinioides Lyman B Smith, it is differentiated by the non-digitate, solitary, shorter spikes.

Edited from : Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76: 954, fig. 8.. (1989.)