
<- Pitcairnia andreetae H.Luther[as Pitcairnia andreetae Luther]
Diagnose: —A P. alata L. B. Smith, cui affinis, foliis lanceolatis, pedicellis brevibus et petalis longioribus atroviolaceisque differt.

Observations: —This striking new species is closely related to P. alata but can be distinguished from it by its broader leaf blades [23 mm vs. 13 mm], shorter pedicels [6-10 mm vs. 14 mm], and dark violet [not red] flowers. It is dedicated to Padre Angel Andreeta of Bomboiza, Ecuador, who, although an expert on Orchidaceae, has been known to take notice of bromeliads. Padre Andreeta was kind enough to provide a living plant of this beautiful Pitcairnia to the research collection of The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.

Edited from : Luther 1991a. (protologue) Miscellaneous new taxa of Bromeliaceae (VIII) .