
<- Pitcairnia reflexiflora var. longipetala E.Gross & Rauh[as Pitcairnia reflexiflora var. longipetala E. Gross & Rauh]
Diagnose: —Planta differt a typo var. reflexiflorae Andre characteribus sequentibus: Folia tristiche disposita usque ad 5 cm lata, non 3 cm lata et bratteae undulatae more formata. Bracteae f1ora1es breviores quam pedicelli, usque ad 10 mm longae, non longiores quam pedicelli et usque ad 20 mm longae. Pedicelli glabri, non albe floccosi. Peta1ae usque ad 45 mm, non usque ad 25 mm longa. Patria et distributio : silva montium apud 3000 m. s. m., inter Gualaceo et San Juan del Bosque, Dptm. Azuay, Aequatoria.

Observations: —Differ from the Type var. reflexiflora Andre in the following description:
Leaves polystichous, to 5 cm, (not 3 cm wide and well grooved). Floral bracts shorter than the pedicels, to 10 mm long, (not longer than the pedicels and to 20 mm long). Pedicels glabrous, (not white floccose). Petals to 45 mm, (not to 25 mm long).

Edited from : Rauh & Gross 1991. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 22). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .