
<- Viridantha pachycaulis Hern.-Cαrdenas, Espejo & Lσpez-Ferr.[as Viridantha pachycaulis ]
Diagnose: —The new species is similar to Viridantha yagulensis but differs in the number (2–5 vs. 5–7) and size of the spikes (3–4 Χ 1–1.5 vs. 2–3 Χ 0.8–1 cm), in the shape (ovate vs. elliptic) and length of the floral bracts (2–2.5 vs. 1.5–2 cm), in the length of the sepals (1.5–2 vs. 1.2–1.5 cm), and in its geographical distribution (Jalisco vs. Oaxaca).

Observations: —Viridantha pachycaulis also has some similarities with V. atroviridipetala and V. grandispica. Nevertheless, V. pachycaulis differs from V. atroviridipetala in the height of the rosettes (10–15 vs. 5–10 cm), in the width of the leaf blades (3.5–4.5 vs. 2–3.5 mm), in the size (3–4 Χ 1–1.5 vs. 1.5–3 Χ 0.5–1 cm) and shape of the spikes (elliptic vs. narrowly elliptic), and in the shape of the floral bracts (ovate vs. lanceolate to narrowly triangular). Viridantha pachycaulis differs from V. grandispica in its habit (saxicolous vs. epiphytic), in the grow form (short caulescent vs. acaulescent), in the length of the petals (2–2.5 vs. 2.5–3 cm), and in the length of the capsules (2.5–3 vs. 4–5 cm)

Edited from : Hernandez et al. 2021. (protologue) Two new species of Viridantha (Tillandsioideae; Bromeliaceae) .