
<- Encholirium anteroi Braun, Esteves & R.Esteves[as Encholirium anteroi ]
Diagnose: —The new species differs from Encholirium josinoi-narcisae P. J. Braun & Esteves by bigger and white-cinereous (vs. more greenish, less lepidote) rosettes, bigger and longer blades with slightly bigger teeth at the margins, teeth covered by silver-grey scales (vs. naked), mostly shorter peduncle of the inflorescence, simple or composed inflorescence, mostly shorter pedicels, much longer floral bracts in the lower part of the fertile part of the inflorescence, connate sepals, wide radially opening and recurved petals (vs. more or less tubular position), fringed-papillose (vs. conduplicate spirally) stigma lobes, a longer ovary, but when ripe, shorter capsules.

Edited from : Braun et al. 2020. (protologue) A New Species in the Genus Encholirium from Central Brazil: Encholirium anteroi .