
<- Araeococcus lageniformis R.A.Pontes & Versieux[as Araeococcus lageniformis ]
Diagnose: —Araeococcus lageniformis is similar to A. nigropurpureus Leme& J.A.Siqueira, but differs by the narrower tank diameter, by the leaf shape and size (longer and linear vs. shorter and lanceolate), by the morphology of floral bracts (lanceolate vs. broadly triangular) and sepals (widely ovate vs. ovate to suborbicular), by the sessile flowers, and by seed morphology (testa cells isodiametric, wide walled vs. testa cells elongated, narrowwalled).

Edited from : Pontes et al. 2019. (protologue) A New Species of Araeococcus (Bromeliaceae) from Bahia, Brazil and a Comparative Morphological and Anatomical Analysis .