
Aechmea nigribracteata J.R.Maciel, R.Louzada & M.Alves  diagnose
plant terrestrial or epiphytic herbs, shortly caulescent, flowering 70–80 cm tall, forming a funnelform or crateriform rosette. leaves 12–25 in number, green, rigid-coriaceous, 150–230 cm long; sheath 25–35 × 20–30 cm, oblong, ample, contrasting in colour of the leaf blades, pale to dark brown, stiff-coriaceous, densely lepidote on both surfaces, with sub-adpressed and hyaline trichomes, margins entire, membranaceous; blade 125–200 × 10–15 cm, green with brown to black apex, linear oblong, erect, stiff-coriaceous, channelled, densely lepidote on both sides of subadpressed and hyaline trichomes, apex attenuate then acuminate, margins densely serrulate; prickles antrorse, green to pale brown, 4–7 mm long, subtriangular. inflorescence simple, spicate, strobiliform; fertile part of the inflorescence 24–30 cm long, 25–26 cm diam., globose; central axis elongated, dilated, 8–12 cm wide; peduncle 35–60 cm long, 4.5–5 cm diam; peduncle bracts 44–50 × 5–6.5 cm, erect, sparsely lepidote, imbricate, rigid-coriaceous, oblonglanceolate, green to castaneous nearly throughout, black at the base, margins serrulate, apex acuminate; floral bracts 6.3–7 × 1.1–1.3 cm, much exceeding the sepals, straight or nearly so, densely imbricate, stiff-coriaceous throughout when completely developed or membranaceous at the base during the first stage of development, slightly carinate, lanceolate, acute, navicular, abaxially glabrescent, blackish, the margins wholly dentate, prickles 2–2.5 mm long. flowers 6–7 cm long, spreading, pedicels 3–5 mm long; sepals 28–35 × 6–8 mm, incurved, carinate, free, sparsely lepidote on both surfaces, castaneous at the base and green toward the apex, very narrowly triangular, chartaceous, asymmetric, margins entire, apex mucronate, spines 0.8–2 mm long; petals 33–35 × 3–5 mm, free, erect, spathulate, fleshy, green, apex acute, corolla tubular-erect; appendages 2, crenate-laciniate, inserted at the base. stamens about equal the pistil, included; filament straight, 18–20 mm long, free; anther 10–12 mm long, sub-basifixed, narrowly bilobed at the base. pistil: ovary 19–21 mm long, trigonous; epigynous tube 8–10 mm long; style stout; stigma conduplicatespiral, lobes with lacerate margins. fruits 6–8 cm long, cylindrical, green.

Edited from : Maciel et al. 2014. (protologue) Aechmea nigribracteata (Bromeliaceae), a new species from southern Bahia, Brazil .