
Aechmea pendulispica Leme & L.Kollmann  diagnose
plant epiphytic, 35–40 cm tall when flowering, stoloniferous. leaves ca 15 in number, thin in texture, suberect, shorter than to exceeding the inflorescence, forming a narrow funnelform rosette; sheath narrowly elliptic-ovate, 9 × 4.3–4.7 cm, subdensely and inconspicuously white lepidote on both sides, nerved, dark purple adaxially toward the apex, greenish abaxially; blade linear, the apex acuminate and soft in texture, 20–32 × 2.3–3 cm, inconspicuously if at all narrowed toward the base, the outer ones bearing a narrow, u-shaped protruded central channel near the base, subentire to irregularly and inconspicuously spinulose near the apex, spines ca 0.3 mm long, 3–20 mm apart, abaxially inconspicuously and sparsely white lepidote, adaxially glabrescent, finely nerved, green except for the sometimes darker colored apex. inflorescence: peduncle curved, rigid, slender, terete, ca 23 cm long, 3–4 mm in diameter, subdensely white sublanate to glabrescent, greenish to yellowish; peduncle bracts sublinear-lanceolate, acuminate-caudate, 25–50 × 5–7 mm, membranaceous, distinctly exceeding the internodes but exposing the peduncle in part, entire, greenish to yellowish, nerved, subdensely white sublanate; fertile part simple, cylindric, densely flowered, pendulous, ca 7.5 cm long, 2–2.3 cm in diameter (excluding the petals), bearing at the apex a short coma of sterile bracts; rachis yellow, inconspicuously white sublanate to glabrous, angled, 3–4 mm in diameter; floral bracts broadly subtriangular-ovate, slenderly apiculate, spreading with the flowers, membranaceous, pale yellowish-hyaline, inconspicuously white lepidote, entire, finely nerved, 3–5 × 2.5–3.5 mm, the lower ones equaling the ovary, the upper ones shorter. flowers ca 70 in number, 14–15 mm long, sessile, polystichously arranged, spreading, odorless, anthesis diurnal; sepals broadly triangular-ovate, 4.5 × 4.5–5 mm, including the ca 0.5 mm long apical mucro, strongly asymmetric, the lateral wing rounded, membranaceous, about equaling the apical mucro, subfree, ecarinate, glabrescent, sparsely and inconspicuously rugulose, orange-yellow; petals subspathulate, apex acute, 9.5–10 × 3.5 mm, free, white, suberect at anthesis, bearing at the base 2 lacerate-digitate appendages 2.5–3 mm long as well as 2 conspicuous longitudinal callosities 4.5–5 mm above the base and equaling the filaments. stamens included; filaments, the antepetalous ones adnate to the petals at the base for ca 2.5 mm, the antesepalous ones free; anther linear, bilobed, apex apculate, ca 2.5 mm long, dorsifixed at ca 1/3 of its length above the base. pistil: stigma conduplicate-spiral, ellipsoid, white, blades inconspicuously crenulate to subentire, ca 2 mm long; ovary broadly obconic, terete, ca 4.5 mm long, ca 4 mm in diameter at distal end, orange-yellow; epigynous tube inconspicuous; ovules subacute, placentation apical. fruits greenish; it propagates vegetatively by means of long stolons, forming dense group of plants which can be confused when sterile with sympatric species which present similar habit, like aechmea limae leme & kollmann (2011 9) and lymania corallina (brongn; ex beer 1857 106) read (1984 213).

Edited from : Leme & Kollmann 2013. (protologue) Miscellaneous New species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae .