
Cryptanthus regeli Hort.Makoy ex Regel  diagnose
; 0 cryptanthus regeli hort; 1 makoy, ex regel in gartenflora xxxiii(1884) 167 detail from mez in dc monogr; 2 phaner; 3 ix 56; 4 1896 c; 5 bivittatus x beuckeri β 6 per beuckeri foliis supra dilute maculatis nec vittatis; 7 translated; 8 closer to pollen parent by having leaves weakly spotted on the upper surface not at all banded note by butcher; 9 related to c; 10 lubbersianus which has the same parents but which is closer to the seed parent.

Edited from : DC Monogr. Phaner. IX: 56. 1896 .