
Vriesea andaraiensis Leme  diagnose
plant lacking rhizomes, flowering ca 85 cm tall with the inflorescence extended. leaves 10 to 15 in number, rosulate, subcoriaceous, forming a narrow crateriform rosette; sheath broadly elliptic, erect, ca 11 x 11 cm, dark brown mainly abaxially and toward the base, densely whitish lepidote; blade sublinear, 20–28 x 5 cm, apex recurved, acuminate and bearing a long and narrow apiculus, the inner ones suberect, the outer ones arcuate to reflexed, purplish to purplish-green with exception of the dark purple margins, densely white lepidote. inflorescence: peduncle suberect near the base and then decurved, ca 40 cm long, 0.6–0.8 cm in diameter, greenish, glabrous; peduncle bracts erect, broadly ovate to suborbicular, shorter than the internodes, greenish near the base and blackish-purple toward the apex, fleshy, minutely white lepidote toward the apex, the basal subfoliaceous and with a shortly acuminate and recurved apex, the upper ones acute and shortly apiculate, slightly inflated and gibbous; fertile part simple, decurved except for the ascending apex, 38 x 3.2–3.6 cm, distichously ca 24-flowered, rachis 5–8 mm in diameter, stout, geniculate, slightly angled, dark purplish-green, glabrous, internodes 10–17 mm long; floral bracts suborbicular, obtuse-emarginate, ca 25 x 25 mm, inconspicuously and sparsely white lepidote, ecarinate, thickly coriaceous toward the base, dark purplishgreen, gibbous, without decurrent auricles at the base, about equaling the middle of the sepals and not completely enfolding them, strongly secund with the flowers. flowers 53–54 mm long (with extended petals), anthesis nocturnal, slightly scented, subdensely arranged and distinctly secund at the anthesis, pedicel stout, ca 9 mm long; sepals ovateelliptic, obtuse-emarginate, ca 27 x 15 mm, green with exception of the dark purplish apical margins, inconspicuously white lepidote, ecarinate, coriaceous at the base; petals obovate-spatulate, apex narrowly emarginate, subspreading-recurved at the anthesis, ca 45 x 25 mm, pale greenish, bearing at the base 2 spatulate, slenderly caudate to bidentate, ca 15 x 5 mm appendages adnate to the petals for ca 8 mm. stamens: filament free, slightly complanate; anther ca 10 mm long, dorsifixed near the base, base and apex obtuse, three of them disposed on each lateral side of the corolla at the anthesis. pistil: stigma tubolaciniate with some convolute-blade characters, ca 2 mm in diameter, purplish, lobes obovate, truncate, apical margins strongly undulate, slightly recurved and papilose at the apex; ovules caudate. fruits unknown.

Edited from : Leme 2012a. (protologue) Revision of the Lithophytic Vriesea Species from Minas Gerais (and vicinities), Brazil - Part V: Two tubolaciniate stigma-type new species .