
Aechmea edmonstonei Baker  diagnose
leaves ensiform, from an ovate base, 1 ½ –2 ft; long, comparatively thin in texture, glabrous on the face, thinly lepidote on the back, narrowed to the point, the marginal prickles small, brown, spreading, the lowest 1/8 – 1/6 in; long. inflorescence: peduncle slender, erect, a foot long; bract-leaves small, adpressed; fertile part a lax deltoid panicle 4 in; long; upper branches patent, simple; lower deflexed with 2–4 spicate branchlets; floral bracts ovate, cuspidate, 1/4 in; long. pistil: ovary with calyx 1/4 in; long. flowers: sepals ovate-lanceolate, longer than the ovary; petals shortly protruded.

Edited from : Baker 1889. (protologue) Handbook of the Bromeliaceae .