
Androlepis skinneri var. mexicana Rauh  diagnose
plant stemless, flowering to 70 cm high, (probably higher); rosette leaves numerous, forming a large funnel rosette to 80 cm high and to 1,2 m in diam; outer rosette leaves short. leaves: sheath very large, not distinct, to 18 cm long and 13 cm wide, above bright leather-brown, underneath green, to the base dark brown lepidote; blade ligulate, to 10 cm wide and 1,2 m long, erect when young, later bent over, tapering to a 0,5 cm long spine, edges densely and finely toothed, in the shining light dark flecked, upper side laxly scaled, underneath white scaled; scales in rows. inflorescence to 60 cm long,( probably longer), erect, shorter than the rosette-leaves, laxly once-branched; peduncle 1–1,2 cm thick, to 40 cm long, densely white woolly; peduncle bracts basal ones subfoliate, densely imbricate, erect, with long, violet-green sheath and short, triangular, tooth edged, underneath whit lepidote blade; upper ones narrow- lanceolate, at anthesis already drying like parchment and hanging loosely; fertile section of the inflorecsence 20 cm long, (probably longer), once-branched, at anthesis to 3 cm wide; inflorescence* axis 1,5 cm thick, straight, dense white woolly; primary bracts basal ones narrow lanceolate to 3 cm long, 0,5 cm wide, wide at the base, drying parchment-like; the upper ones inconspicuous, small, shorter than the side spiks; end of the spike vestigious; primary side spike very short, white woolly, with 1, 2, 3 to 5, very short pedicelled flowers; floral bracts small, inconspicuous; single flower at anthesis ±1,5 cm long, with thick, club-like, 7 mm long, woolly hairy, sub-sessile ovary. flowers: sepals glabrous, yellow green, with a sharp, hooked tip, strongly asymmetric, winged on one side,3–4 mm long, fleshily thickened at the base and bulging with the sessile ovary, ecarinate, only towards the hooked tip is it weakly carinate; petals at anthesis erect to weakly spreading, blunt, cucculate, pale yellow, 7 mm long, 3 mm wide, at the base short connate. stamens enclosed, connate with the petals connate 3 mm high and wide, fleshy, white, free filaments; anther longish, pale yellow, on the dorsal-side at the base with 2 shining lemon-yellow, bent hornlike, toothed at the top appendage. pistil: style present or lacking; ovary without ovules.

Edited from : Rauh 1983c. Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 14). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .