
Vriesea vellozicola Leme & J.A.Siqquera  diagnose
plant epiphytic on vellozia sp.70–75 cm tall, propagating by basal shoots. leaves 10 to 15, suberect, forming at base a narrow funnelform rosette; sheath elliptic, 7.5–11 x 5–7 cm, subdensely to densely lepidote with brown-centered trichomes, pale greenish-castaneous toward base, green with irregular dark purple spots near the apex; blade narrowly lanceolate, 12–18 x 2.5–3 cm, not narrowed toward the base, green except for irregular dark purple spots mainly abaxially, densely white-lepidote on both sides, trichomes not hiding leaf color, apex acuminate. inflorescence: peduncle erect, 50–55 cm long, ca 3 mm in diameter, rigid, green to dark purple, glabrous; peduncle bracts the basal ones foliaceous, the upper ones subovate, acuminate to acute, 15–25 x 10 mm, erect, enfolding the peduncle, dark purple, densely white-lepidote, distinctly shorter than the internodes; fertile part simple, suberect, 8–14 cm long, rachis subterete, geniculate, green to dark-purple, glabrous, ca 3 mm in diameter, internodes 10–20 mm long; floral bracts suborbicular, membranaceous, 12–14 x 11–12 mm, apex broadly acute, base nearly truncate, not completely enfolding the flowers, ecarinate, dark purple, coarsely white-lepidote abaxially, about equaling 1/3 sepal length. flowers 5 to 11, laxly to subdensely arranged, distichous, strongly secund with the floral bracts, anthesis nocturnal, odor not detected, 37–39 mm long, pedicels ca 6 mm long, ca 5 mm in diameter, green; sepals obovate, emarginate, 20–21 x 9–11 mm, inconspicuously white-lepidote adaxially, green to greenish-yellow, free, ecarinate; petals spatulate, apex narrowly obtuse, suberect and forming a subtubular corolla at anthesis, free, 32–33 x 11–12 mm, whitish-green or pale yellowish-green, bearing at base 2 long caudate to irregularly bidentate, 7–9 x 2 mm appendages, adnate to the petals for ca 4 mm. stamens included; anther sublinear, 4.–5 mm long, base sagittate, apex obtuse, dorsifixed near the base; pollen narrowly ellipsoid, sulcate, exine foveolate, muri thickened. pistil: stigma convolute-bladed, green, papillose; ovules long caudate. fruits unknown.

Edited from : Siqueira & Leme 2007. (protologue) Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil - Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads .