
Guzmania sprucei var. dressleri Rauh  diagnose  protologue
plant stemless, growing individually or in groups, flowering to 50 cm high, leaves a little numerous, slender,forming at the base to 4 cm, at the top 20–25 cm wide rosette.( fig; 7, left,). leaves: sheath indistinct, similar to the stiff erect blade above, to 15 cm long, in the middle to 6,5 cm wide, upper side very dark -, almost dark brown, shiny, nerved, appressed finely scaled, underneath somewhat brighter, in the upper section waxy frosting; blade strictly erect, flat, ligulate, with short, pungent tip to 30 cm long and 4,5–5 cm wide, on both sides, more so underneath gray-waxy frosting,( fig; 7, left), very scattered scaled. inflorescence simple, erect, a little exceeding the rosette, laxly 8–10 flowered,( fig; 7, left,); peduncle much shorter than the rosette-leaves, to 35 cm long, thin, glabrous, erect; peduncle bracts bladeless, short tipped, longer than the internodes, 4,5–5 cm long, pale carmine - to raspberry red, in the upper third green and waxy frosted; inf1orescence axis thin, angular, pale carmine red, with glabrous, strong waxy axis; internodes 1,5–2 cm long; floral bracts (fig; 7, right, fb,) similar to the upper peduncle bracts, 3,8 cm long, raspberry-red, waxy frosted, with the lower half completely enclosing the flower, shorter than the sepals (fig; 7, right, s,). flowers: sepals narrow-linear, blunt, about 4–4,2 cm long, shiny citron yellow, uniformly connate for 2 cm high, strongly waxy frosted; petals exceed the sepals by 0,5 cm, its blunt tip a little bent over (fig; 7, right, p,) gold-yellow, at the base whitish, joined about 1,8 cm high in a tube. stamens much shorter than the petals, with flat filaments joined to the petals and white anthers. pistil: style with bent over lobes shorter than the filament.

Edited from : Rauh 1981a. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 10). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .