
Tillandsia crocata var. tristis Rauh  diagnose
; 0 single plant with short stem, flowering 20–40 cm high; 1 small stems simple or branched, ± 8 cm long, 0,5 cm thick. leaves ± 10, distichous, (fig; 9, left); sheath to 2 cm long and 2,4 cm wide, lively green, strongly nerved, glabrous; blade horizontal spreading to bent over, 12–18 cm long, linear-subulate, long attenuate, involute, 2–5 mm thick, densely grey lepidote, (fig; 9, left); scales eccentric. peduncle very thin, 10–15 cm long, straight or clearly geniculate, dense grey lepidote, with 0–2 subfoliate peduncle bracts. inflorescence always simple, laxly distichous, (fig; 9, right), to 6 cm long and 0,5–1 cm wide, 2 - to 4-flowers, strongly lepidote, complanate, erect or flexuous axis visible; floral bracts erect, ± 1,5–2 cm long, as long as or shorter than the sepals, ecarinate, enclosing the rachis at the base, brownish green, dense grey lepidote. flowers: pedicel short, erect; sepals, the adaxial pair carinate and short connate, dense grey lepidote; petals very small, with flat extended, 2 x 2 mm large, dark -, almost black brown or to 1 (- 1,5, cm long and 4 mm wide at the rolled over tips, dark brown platte, with dirty yellow mid line. stamens and style deeply enclosed.

Edited from : Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenw.. (protologue) Bromelienstudien. I.Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .