
Pitcairnia brongniartiana var. scandens Rauh  diagnose  protologue
; 0 the following description is based on (rauh coll; 1 no; 2 37722, 1975), collected material at the base sprouting axis altogether 5–10 m long; 3 every sprouting joined into one rhizome like crawling and orthotropic, rosette and flower forming sections; 4 the rhizome like sections 30–50 cm long,(and longer), 2–3 cm thick, having roots underneath, densely covered by dark brown lower leaves. leaves broad triangular, edges entire, tapering to a sharp tip, thin, with brownish green tip, very soon drying parchment like; rosette like section flowering 1,5–1,7 m high with few – (to 9 -) leafed rosette; the other rosette leaves small, with narrow lanceolate blade, the inner ones to 80 cm long; all leaves clearly stemmed; sheath small, wide-oval, 2,5 cm long, 3 cm wide, at the base white, in the upper part chestnut brown, outside brown woolly hairy, nerved when dry; stem 15–20 cm long, upperside channelled, edges with strong, brown spines, between them at the base woolly hairy; blade (the larger rosette leaves) to 70 cm long, longish-elliptic, acuminate, in the middle to 8 cm wide, narrow near the end, glabrous, upperside dark -, underneath ligh green, with prominent nerves, ( especially the mid nerve). inflorescence: peduncle to 1,2 m long (fig; 11), at the base up to 2 cm thick, round, green, dusty brown woolly; peduncle bracts longer than the internodes, adjacent to the peduncle, the basal ones to 15 cm long, at the base to 3 cm wide, tapering to a sharp, long tip, nerved, olive green, upperside glabrous, underneath flaky brown woolly; fertile part simple, cylindrical, to 50 cm long, before anthesis, later lax; axis thick, green, dense brown woolly hairy, at the base with about 2 cm long internodes; floral bracts to 4,5 cm long, at the base to 1,5 cm wide, acuminate, prefloral virtually as long as the sepals and erect, postfloral much shorter than the bent over, but, not deciduous contrary to the original diagnosis, upper sides dense brown woolly. flowers prefloral erect, short and thick stemmed, at anthesis spreading horizontal, post floral bent down, adjacent to the axis and the woolly hairy stem longer; sepals long-lanceolate, 4–4,5 cm long, acuminate, almost free from the base, the adaxial pair weakly keeled, olive green, the outside strongly brown woolly; petals to l0 cm long,narrow tongue shaped, the tip hardly bent over, bent together in a bent tube, white to cream, at the base without ligulae, post floral rolled up like a corkscrew. stamens and style enclosed. pistil: ovary superior. fruits about 5 cm long, again horizontal to the axis erect to spreading; seeds almost 1 cm long, towards the end long tailed, brownish.

Translated by Butcher from: Rauh 1976b. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 6). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .