
Pitcairnia undulatosepala Rauh  diagnose  protologue
plant forming a stem, branching from the base, flowering to 1,2 m high; stem to 30 cm long, 2 cm thick, covered with old, black leaf-sheaths, numerous, narrow lineal leaves forming a rosette. leaves homomorphous; sheath indistinct, to 2 cm long, 1,5 cm wide, dark chestnut brown, glabrous; blade deciduous, erect to spreading, tol 1 m long, 1,7–2 cm wide, long attenuate, somewhat narrow towards the base, but not clearly stemmed, edges entire, upper side glabrous, green, underneath densely white scaled. inflorescence erect, to 70 cm long, simple, rarely laxly once-branched, then with 1–2 side spikes, erect to weakly bent over; peduncle to 50 cm long, 0,4 cm thick, brown-red, white lepidote; peduncle bracts the basal ones subfoliate, long attenuate, narrow triangular acuminate, middle and upper ones as long or little longer than the internodes, erect, underneath lepidote, to 25 cm long; inflorescence* axis thin, brown-red, wnite lepidote. flowers secund erect or spreading in all directions, strongly zygomorphic, 4,5 cm long, at anthesis and praefloral horizontal, postfloral bent downwards; floral bracts narrow lanceolate, acuminate, spreading, basal ones to 2 cm long, a little longer than the thin, 1,5 cm long, felt lepidote pedicel, the upper ones as long as these; sepals longish lanceolate, 20 mm long, at the base 6 mm wide, with a hooked bent over tip, the adaxial pair sharply keeled and wide undulate winged, whitish green, lepidote; petals ligulate, to 45 mm long, 5 mm wide, blunt, but short tipped, white, at the base with wide, toothed edged ligula. stamens shorter than the petals, with long, yellow anthers; these exceed the style with the stigma. pistil: ovary 1/2 superior. fruits deeply furrowed, scattered lepidote, green, to 1,5 cm high, 1,2 cm thick; seeds tipped.

Edited from : Rauh 1986a. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 18). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .