
Ananas comosus (L.) Merill
plant a terricolous herb, stemless; rosette open, tank absent. leaves suberect, coriaceous; sheath not seen; blade ca 50 × 4 cm, narrowly lanceolate, margin revolute, serrulate, apex attenuate-acute; spines 2‒3 mm long, antrorse. inflorescence: peduncle ca 14 cm long, erect, slightly lanuginose to glabrescent; peduncle bracts 18‒36 × 1‒2 cm, narrowly triangular-lanceolate, margin serrulate, apex attenuate-acute; fertile part ca 12 cm long, simple, subcylindrical, with an apical coma of sterile foliaceous bracts; floral bracts 18‒21 × 10‒12 mm, widely elliptic at the base to triangular distally, coriaceous, margin serrulate, apex acuminate. flowers sessile and connate with each other into a syncarp; sepals 7‒10 mm long, widely ovate, coriaceous, shortly connate, apex acute; petals 16‒18 long, oblanceolate, apex obtuse, purple; petals* appendages basal, apex erose; longitudinal callosities present. stamens included; sorosis not seen.

Edited from : Tomaz & Versieux 2019. Bromeliaceae from Rio Grande do Norte State, Northeastern Brazil .