
Aechmea squarrosa Baker  (non Baker, 1889)  diagnose
leaves thin, ensiform from a very large oblong base, altogether 2 ½ - 3 ft long, 1 ½ in; broad at the middle, tapering gradually to the point, glabrous above, obscurely lepidote beneath; marginal spines middle sized, brown-pointed, the lower 1/12th in; long. inflorescence: peduncle slender,, erect, under a foot long, with a few erect lanceolate bract-leaves; fertile part a once-branched panicle 6–9 in; long, with about 8 erecto-patent branches 3–4 in; long, the lower subtended by small red scariose lanceolate toothed branch-bracts. flowers distichous, laxly disposed, all but the uppermost deflexed; rachis acutely angled; floral bracts oblong-navicular, coriaceous, 1/3 in; long; calyx 1/3 in; long; sepals lanceolate, connivent, distinctly cuspidate, as long as the globose ovary; petals not seen.

Edited from : Baker 1890. Synopsis of Tillandsieae (continued) .