
Aechmea boliviana Rusby  protologue
; 0 finely scurfy; 1 stems slender, rigid, height unknown. leaves 4–6 dm; long, 1.5- 2 cm; broad, linear, narrowed toward the base, which is much-dilated and sheathing, attenuate at the apex, spiny-toothed, the teeth about 2 mm; long, divergent, stoutish, the leaf thick but not rigid panicle (but one seen) about 7 cm; long and almost as broad, very dense; scales about 4 mm; long, broadly ovate, with a shout pungent point, spreading. flowers not seen. fruits 1 cm; long, nearly half as broad, conical-ovoid, soft at the base, cartilaginous at the apex and crowned by three lightly recurved spines 1–2 mm; long; seeds reddish-brown, minutely reticulate, 2–4 mm; long, 1 mm; broad, straight or lightly curved, lance-oblong, obtusish.

Edited from : Rusby 1907. (protologue) An enumeration of the Plants Collected in Bolivia by Miquel Bang. Part 4* - With Descriptions of New Gerera and Species .