
Aechmea isabellina Baker
leaves lorate, 2 ft; or more long, 2–2 ½ in; broad, moderately firm, glabrous above, thinly lepidote beneath; apex deltoid-cuspidate; marginal spines large and pungent, lower 1/6 in; long. inflorescence: peduncle stout, 1 ½ ft; long, with few larege ascending scariose lanceolate bract-leaves; fertile part a narrow panicle 2 ft; long, with numerous short simple deflexed branches 1–2 in; long; lower branches much longer and once-branched, subtended by large red lanceolate bract-leaves; rachis densely pubescent. flowers laxly disposed; floral bracts ovate-acuminate, ¼ in; long; sepals ovate, imbricated, 1/6 in; long, not distinctly cuspidate, rather longer than the globose ovary; petals protruded, 1/8 in; probably yellow.

Edited from : Baker 1890. Synopsis of Tillandsieae (continued) .