
Quesnelia glaziovii Baker
leaves with a dilated oblong base 3–4 in; long, 2 in; broad; blade thin, lorate, subglabrous, narrowed to the point, a foot long, an inch broad, with only a few prickles towards the base. inflorescence: peduncle a foot long; bract-leaves many, scariose-adpressed, imbricated; fertile part a moderately dense panicle 2–3 in; long branches few-flowered, lower an inch long; branch-bracts ovate, lower an inch long; floral bracts small, scariose, obtuse. flowers: calyx with ovary 1/3 in; long; sepals ovate, as long as the ovary; petal-blade oblong, 1/3 in; long. stamens shorter than the petals.

Edited from : Baker 1889. Handbook of the Bromeliaceae .