
Aechmea subinermis Baker
leaves about twenty in a rosette, with a dilated oblong base two inches broad, and a lanceolate lamina narrowcd gradually to the point, three-quarters to one inch broad at the middle, thin in texture for the genus, the edge furnished with only a few minute deltoid prickles near_the base. inflorescence: peduncle about a foot long, with several red ascending lanceolate bract-leaves about two inches long. flowers in a dense oblong-thysoid once-branched panicle about three inches long, the lower branches subtended by red lanceolate bracts one to two inches long central branches one inch to one inch and a half long, five to six-flowered; their rachises zigzag and glabrous; flowers* sessile, subtended by an orbicular flower-bract one-sixth to one fifth of an inch long and broad, without a cusp; calyx including ovary half an inch long; sepals deltoid, one-eighth of an inch long, not mucronate; petals not seen.

Edited from : Baker 1879b. (protologue) A Synopsis of the Genus Aechmea, R. & P. .