
Aechmea wrightii Baker  diagnose
leaves with an oblong dilated base four to five inches broad, and a lorate lamina one foot and a half to two feet long, three to four inches broad, horny in texture, closely minutely serrated, rounded at the tip with a prominent cusp. inflorescence: peduncle slender, reaching a length of two feet or more, sheathed by distant erect pale lanceolate bract-leaves; panicle a foot long, composed of distant short spreading branches, subtended by lanceolate bracts and ending in dense oblong multifarious spikes one inch to one inch and a half long; floral bracts deltoid, with a horny mucro, a quarter of an inch long. flowers: calyx including ovary three eighths of an inch long; sepals deltoid-cuspidate, one-eighth of an inch long; petals pale, twice as long as the sepals.

Edited from : Baker 1879b. (protologue) A Synopsis of the Genus Aechmea, R. & P. .