
Aechmea pycnantha Baker
leaves a dozen or more in a utricular rosette, lorate from an ovate base, 2 ft; long, 3 in; broad at the middle, horny, plain green on the deeply concave face, thinly lepidote and obscurely-transversely banded on the back, rounded to a cusp at the tip, the marginal teeth small, ascending, deltoid, concolorous. inflorescence: peduncle stout, a foot long; bract-leaves imbricated, lanceolate, erect; upper not brightly coloured; fertile part a dense oblong panicle 3 in; long, 2 in; diam., composed of about 30 sessile ovoid erecto-patent spikes 3/4-l in; long; floral bracts broad ovate, acute, 1/2 in; long. pistil: ovary with calyx as long as the bract. flowers: petals white, protruding 1/3 in.

Edited from : Baker 1889. (protologue) Handbook of the Bromeliaceae .