
Aechmea salzmannii Baker  diagnose
leaves 2 ft; long, 4–6 in; broad at the middle, narrowed gradually to a pungent cuspidate tip; marginal teeth distant, middle-sized, patent, deltoid-cuspidate. inflorescence: peduncle with inflorescence 5 ft; long, the latter a lax deltoid panicle a foot long, composed of 20–30 ovoid or oblong dense strobiliform spikes 1–1 ¼ in; long, only the uppermost sessile on the main axis, the rest aggregated or the lower spaced out, sessile on distant erecto-patent branches, subtended by small ovate or ovate-lanceolate branch-bracts; floral bracts broad ovate, 1/3 – ½ in; long, not distinctly cuspidate. pistil: ovary with calyx as long as the flower-bract. flowers: sepals ovate, not mucronate; petals bright violet, shortly protruded.

Edited from : Baker 1889. (protologue) Handbook of the Bromeliaceae .