
Deuterocohnia meziana var. carmineoviridiflora Rauh  diagnose
plant forming groups, flowering to 1,9 m high; rosettes stemless, to 40 cm high, to 80 cm diam. leaves: sheath indistinct, to 3 cm long and 4,5 cm wide, white; blade narrow-triangular, 40–60 cm long, tapering to a filiform, soon falling tip, above the sheath 4 cm wide, succulent, upperside shiny grey green, glabrous, undermeath densely white scaled, edges with strong, forward pointing, 4 mm long, white, brown tipped teeth; teeth sticking out 0,5–1,5 cm. inflorescence: peduncle persistent, to 1,5 m high, weak, 7 mm thick, at the base very flexuos, grey, smooth, waxy; peduncle bracts subfoliate, erect, much longer than the internodes; the upper ones shorter than these, triangular, tapering to a long tip, edges with very short and remote spines; fertile part laxly bi - to twice-branched, to 40 cm long and to 35 cm wide; side-axes very thin, to 16 cm long, woody, gray-waxy, at the end strongly bent downwards and flexuose; internodes 1–2 cm long; primary and secondary bracts scale like, triangular, 1,5 x 1,5 mm, gray-waxy, short tipped; floral bracts scale-like, 2 mm long, wide-oval, acuminate. flowers erect, short and thick stemmed, with stem to 5,5 cm long; sepals ecarinate, to 2 cm long, 6 mm wide, weakly asymmetrical, blunt, pale pink, waxy; petals narrow-ligulate, forming a weak bent 5 mm thick tube, only a little bent over at the tip, the upper third shining emerald green, then towards the base a dull carmine red, at the base upper side with a white, at the top toothed, 5,5 mm long ligula, postfloral like a puya spirally rolling up and drying brown. stamens and style a little longer than the petals; filament 4,6 cm long, white; anther green with yellow pollen. pistil: ovary with style to 5,7 cm long, almost standing upwards, deeply furrowed; style white, stigma greenish, spirally rolled up, a little exceeding from the flower.

Edited from : Rauh 1985a. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 16). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .