
Aechmea burchellii Baker
leaves twelve to eighteen inches long, with a dilated entire utricular base two inches to two inches and a half broad, and a lanceolate minutely-toothed lamina one inch and a half to two inches broad, of moderately firm texture, with a deltoid-cuspidate tip. inflorescence: peduncle three inches long, quite hidden by its lanceolate bract-leaves. flowers in a dense globose head one inch and a half to two inches long and broad, its base-bracts not over-topping it; floral bracts lanceolate or deltoid, membranous, toothed at the margin, six to nine lines long, the lower reaching to the top of the sepals, the upper shorter; calyx including ovary above half an inch long; sepals yellow, lanceolate, longer than the ovary, minutely cuspidate; petals not seen.

Edited from : Baker 1879b. (protologue) A Synopsis of the Genus Aechmea, R. & P. .