
Neoregelia alvimii Röth  diagnose  protologue
plant making an erect rosette, new vegetative growth elongated ca 7 cm long, 4 mm diam., upwards on an angle, internodes 5–7 mm long, lower leaves longer than the internodes, triangular, tips long twisted, lower ones 12 mm long, upper to 16 mm long, forming a dense large rosette at the base and flowing over to the foliage leaves. leaves mostly 5 - 8, making a slender tube 7 cm long, green, inner leaves at flowering yellowish-green; sheath longish elliptic, 8.5–9 cm long, 3.6–4 cm wide, green, inside washed violet and green at the base, outside green, violet translucent with part spotted, brown appressed scales, edges entire, membranaceous, smooth; blade very thin, triangular to awl-like, flows over from the sheath, outer leaves of rosette to 29 cm long, 1.2 cm wide, middle leaves 14 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, inner leaves 7 cm long, 2.6 cm wide, stiff grooves, shiny green, with or without remote small, appressed trichomes, the edge and base rippled, leaf spines to 1 mm long, horizontal, upper part of leaf edges smooth. inflorescence nestling in the rosette, 10 flowered; peduncle short, peduncle bracts at the base, triangular to wide egg shaped, 9 mm long, 8 mm wide, whitish, both sides with dark brown trichomes, with tip 6 mm long, fleshy and round; peduncle bracts in the middle, longish ovate lanceolate, 20 mm long, 6 mm wide, with gristly tip, membranaceous, whitish, outside with appressed brown, remote trichomes, upper bracts longish lanceolate, 26 mm long, 5 mm wide with gristly tip, membranaceous, whitish, at the tip on the outside with a few small appressed brown trichomes; floral bracts narrow ovate-longish, 24–26 mm long, 8 mm wide, clearly nerved. flowers: pedicel 24 mm long, flattened, 3 mm wide, 1.8 mm thick, whitish green; sepals weakly spoon shaped, longish, asymmetric, 32 mm long, to 8 mm wide, tipped, joined for 8mm, keeled, edges broad membranaceous, green, bottom and top greenish; petals narrow longish-lanceolate, 45 mm long, to 8 mm wide, tipped, white, joined for 19mm. stamens in the upper part of the flower tube, filament joined to petal for 18mm, 4 mm wide, white, anther 4 mm long, cream yellow, style 23 mm long, lobes thick, white, 6 mm long, twisted, cream coloured, ovary elliptic, 4 mm long.

Edited from : Die Bromelie. .