
Neoregelia diamantinensis E.Pereira  diagnose  protologue
plant propagating by stolons 20 cm long, with internodes 1 cm long; bracts sub¬triangular, acuminate, appressed. leaves about 15, forming a tubular rosette, 45–50 cm long, green; sheath of the outer leaves oblong, 22 cm long, 7 cm wide, punctate-¬lepidote, of the inner ones shorter; blade sublinear, slightly contracted toward base, rounded, recurved, mucronate, purple at apex, 28 cm long, 35 mm wide, glabrous or obscurely lepidote, sparsely and minutely serrulate. inflorescence: peduncle 10 cm long, 15 mm thick, white, internodes 10 mm long; lower peduncle-bracts broadly triangular, long-mucronate, white, spinulose; upper peduncle-bracts ("involucral bracts") narrowly ovate or lanceo¬late, acuminate, 45–55 mm long, 15–25 mm wide, entire, hyaline, sparsely lepidote; in¬florescence simple, subcorymbose, ca 17-flowered, lax, 14.5 cm long, slightly exceed¬ing the tank; floral bracts linear-lanceolate, acute, 25–40 mm long, 4–8 mm wide, entire hyaline, glabrous. flowers: pedicel 45 mm long, terete, white; sepals symmetric, linear, acu¬minate, 37 mm long, connate for 5 mm, 5 mm wide, greenish white, glabrous; petals linear, acute, 65 mm long, connate for 25 mm, white with violet apex, divergent at an¬thesis. stamens half adnate to the petals. pistil: ovary subtrigonous, 12 mm long, white; epigynous tube minimal; placentae subapical; ovules obtuse.

Edited from : Smith & Downs 1979. Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) in Flora Neotropica.