
Aechmea donnell-smithii Baker  diagnose
leaves lanceolate, very rigid, above 2 ft; long, 3 in; broad low down, glabrous above, obscurely lepidote beneath, narrowed gradually to th point; marginal teeth minute, crowded. inflorescence: peduncle stout, above a foot long, with several pale scariose ascending lanceolate bract-leaves; fertile part a dense narrow once-branched panicle above 2 ft; long, with a stout finely pubescent rachis; many upper branches simple, not exceeding 1- 1 ½ in; a few of the lowest compound. flowers laxly disposed; floral bracts minute, lanceolate, not rigid; sepals ovate, connivent, coriaceous, distinctly cuspidate, 1/6 in; long, connate above the very small naked triginous ovary; petals minute.

Edited from : Baker 1890. Synopsis of Tillandsieae (continued) .