
Thecophyllum wittmackii André  diagnose  protologue
; 0 basal leaves unknown; 1 bractlike leaves purplîsh orange, the lower strap-like, clasping for a tong distance, acuminate-acute, soft, glabrous, delicatelv striped, erect or spreadîng, 1 m long or more, graduallv diminishing and passing over into the horïzontallv spreading primary bracts, a few centimeters apart but stili rather long (15 cm) near the top, convolute at the base, then flattened toward the pointed tip; 2 infiorescence a rather loose, erect panicle. flowers in many-flowered fascicles, sessile in the axils of the clasping bracts; floral bracts erect, membranous, scarlet or yellow, green-tipped, 6–7 cm long, oblong-obtuse, folded and more or less broad (those clasping the outer flowers of the fascicle can be 2 cm wide); calyx with sepals free all the way to the base, membranous, 4 cm long and narrowly acuminate acute; corolla?.

Edited from : Andre 1889. (protologue) Bromeliaceae Andreanae. Description et Histoire des Bromeliacées, récoltées dans la Colombie, l\'Ecuador et la Venezuela .