
Guzmania lindenii var. concolor Rauh  diagnose
plant stemless, flowering to 1.4 m high. leaves numerous, forming a broadly funnel-shape, 25–40 cm high, 90–100 cm wide rosette; sheath indistinct, to 18 cm long and 7 cm wide, both sides dense light brown scaled, underneath at the base dark-chestnut brown; blade ligulate, tapering to a 0.5 cm long tip, to 8.5 cm wide, upper side dark, underneath light green, both sides glabrous, with very fine, only visible underneath, darker, hieroglyphic-like cross-lines; young leaves clear. inflorescence: peduncle erect, 1 cm thick, 60–70 cm long, green, glabrous, smooth, grooved when dry; peduncle bracts adjacent to the base of the peduncle, densely imbricate, longer than the internodes, with long sheath and short, adjacent to the peduncle, triangular blade, glabrous to scattered scales, at the base almost black, normally dark wine-red stained and hieroglyphic lined; fertile part very loosely bi -to twice-branched, in the shape of a pyramid, including the end spike to 80 cm long and to 40 cm wide, with about 11 horizontal sticking out or bent upwards, to 20 cm long primary side branches; inflorescence* rachis round, 0.7 cm thick, black-green, smooth,( drying grooved); primary bracts long-triangular-acuminate, shorter than the to 7–15 cm long, sterile basal portion of the spike, green, violet dots; the flattened spike stem with a 2 keeled, sloping peduncle bract, inserted about 2 cm high; after theseat the base of the spike are 1–3 sterile, floral bracts; fertile section of the spike to 11 cm (secondary spike to 5 cm) long, thin, cylindric, 1.5 cm wide, with numerous, spiral-shaped, somewhat lax, erect bracts; the green, glabrous, angular, excavated spike rachis visible. flowers to 2.8 cm long, subsessile; floral bracts almost upright, longlish-lanceolate, acuminate, to 20 mm long and 7 mm wide, glabrous, green, at the tip scattered lepidote, with violet, hyaline edge, a little longer than the sepals; sepals green, shiny, glabrous, with hyaline, violet edge, connate unequally high, about 3 mm), very scattered lepidote; petals 2.8 cm long, with free, spreading, about egg-shaped, cream, to 1 cm long plattes. stamens with the anthers a little shorter than the petals. pistil: style somewhat shorter than the anthers; ovary 3-angular, smooth, 3 mm high; night flowerer.

Edited from : Rauh 1983c. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 14). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .